Panoramic of Qaitbay Fortress

Sultan Qaitby built this fortress, which is known by name, in 1480 on the site of the ancient lighthouse of Alexandria. Some remains of the lighthouse can still be seen in the architecture of the fortress. The Pharos lighthouse, one of the seven wonders of the ancient world, was an impressive construction 125 meters high, with approximately 300 rooms at its base, intended for workers. A staircase with a double spiral ran through the center and there was a hydraulic machine that raised fuel to the top.


The international community has taken the first step to erase the disaster caused by the fire that burned the ancient bookstore more than 1,600 years ago, supporting the project “Recovery of the ancient Bookstore of Alexandria.” The bookstore, opened in 2002, is one of the largest scientific-cultural centers specialized in issues of the region and its culture, science and art. This place attracts scientists from all over as it is a world center of science and knowledge.

El Montazah Gardens

They are situated on the eastern edge of Alexandria, stretching along the Mediterranean Sea and surrounded by the summer palaces of ancient King Farouk.

This 46-hectare complex is surrounded by large walls to the south, east and west, and by the beach on its north side. This place belonged to the Mohamed Ali family, who reigned in Egypt from the middle of the 19th century until 1952. Its construction was started by King Abbas II in 1892, who built a large palace within this complex called Salamek. In 1932, King Fuad built another larger palace called the Haramlik. His son, King Farouk, built a bridge to the sea to serve as a port. The rest of the 46 hectares are nothing less than beautiful gardens. This is an unbeatable place to enjoy the beauty of Alexandria.

National Museum

The National Museum is one of our new masterpieces. It is housed in a restored palace, and contains around 1,800 antiquities that tell the story of Alexandria during the Pharaonic, Romanesque, Coptic and Islamic eras. It also contains some modern pieces.

Pompey's Column

The misnamed Pompey's Column owes its name to the fact that it was believed that Pompey was buried here.

It is a red granite column from Aswan that is about 30 meters high and has a circumference of 9 meters. The column was built in honor of the Greek emperor Diocletian, according to a Greek inscription located on the west side of the base. It was built in honor of the Greek emperor Diocletian, as indicated by a Greek inscription located on the west side of the base.

This column is located within an archaeological park where work continues.


It is a large three-story funerary construction, probably dating from the 2nd century BC.